Thanks for listening to my podcast! Scroll to S2 E01 (look for the castle photo) for your FREE Transcript Study Guide to the "A Day at Disney" episode.
Two full seasons are now available for less than the price of an ESL workbook!
Every Transcript Study Guide contains the full script with every expression clearly marked, a Quick Summary with more sentences and examples, a BONUS expression not said in the podcast, and vocabulary words to look up and study. (All Season 2 Guides contain a Quick Quiz so you can test yourself.)
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Thanks for your support, and happy studying!
--Laurie :-)
In one easy bundle, you can download the Transcript Study Guides from all 10 episodes from season one. This 20-page PDF will help you review every expression you learned from the podcast with full transcripts plus quick summaries with extra examples, bonus expressions not mentioned in the podcast and vocabulary words to look up and learn.
In one easy bundle, you can download the Transcript Study Guides from all 10 episodes from Season 2. This 20-page PDF will help you review every expression you learned from the podcast with full transcripts, quick summaries with extra examples, bonus expressions not mentioned in the podcast, vocabulary words to look up and learn, plus a quiz!
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: my heart goes out to them, ins and outs, in good hands, to take someone under their wing, and to show someone the ropes. Also features a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast and vocabulary words to look up and learn.
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: back-to-back, up and running, on the same page, up to speed, and the only game in town. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast and vocabulary words to look up and learn.
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: to wrap one's head around something, a fish out of water, to stick out like a sore thumb, to make headway, and to take it one day at a time. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast and vocabulary words to look up and learn.
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: to tide one over, to have a taste for something, to go to waste, one's eyes are bigger than one's stomach, and I'm good. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast and vocabulary words to look up and learn.
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: out of the question, to lie through one's teeth, deathly afraid, to get rid of something, and one's heart was in the right place. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast and vocabulary words to look up and learn.
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: a win-win, a pain in the neck, a trade-off, on one hand/on the other hand, and in cahoots. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast and vocabulary words to look up and learn.
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: to jump the gun, to pull the trigger, to have one shot at something, to stick to one's guns, and to dodge a bullet. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast and vocabulary words to look up and learn.
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: to hit it off, to be on cloud 9, to have it made, a free-for-all, and asking for trouble. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast and vocabulary words to look up and learn.
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: from/since day one, to butt heads, to have the rug pulled out from under you, to pull rank, and to cut your losses. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast and vocabulary words to look up and learn.
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: to go broke, a dime a dozen, one isn't made of money, two cents, and it's on me. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast and vocabulary words to look up and learn.
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: to know something like the back of one's hand, to ride someone's coattails, to bend over backwards, to keep someone posted, and a light at the end of the tunnel. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast, vocabulary words to look up and learn, and a quiz!
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: to have a lot on one's plate, to go through the motions, to be on the ball, to hit the ground running, and to clean house. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast, vocabulary words to look up and learn and a quiz!
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: to bug someone, to have bigger fish to fry, to chicken out, to pig out, and to monkey around. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast, vocabulary words to look up and learn and a quiz!
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: like pulling teeth, to bang one’s head against the wall, to pull out all the stops, to do a 180, and to be over the moon. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast, vocabulary words to look up and learn and a quiz!
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: to blow off steam, back to square one, a go-to (something), to come out of nowhere, and it's not worth it. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast, vocabulary words to look up and learn and a quiz!
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: under the weather, on the mend, not out of the woods, touch and go, and bedside manner. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast, vocabulary words to look up and learn and a quiz!
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: to miss the boat, to all be in the same boat, to jump ship, all hands on deck, and smooth sailing. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast, vocabulary words to look up and learn and a quiz!
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: to strike out, to be a hit, to be in the home stretch, right off the bat, and to come out of left field. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast, vocabulary words to look up and learn and a quiz!
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: to kill time, in the nick of time, like clockwork, at the 11th hour, and around the clock. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast, vocabulary words to look up and learn and a quiz!
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: to be blindsided, up in the air, to read between the lines, to talk out of both sides of one's mouth, and to have good taste. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast, vocabulary words to look up and learn, and a quiz!
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: to be scared to death, to die for, over my dead body, if it kills me, and the graveyard shift. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast, vocabulary words to look up and learn and a quiz!
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: a blessing in disguise, a match made in heaven, a blessing and a curse, preaching to the choir, and the devil's in the details. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast, vocabulary words to look up and learn and a quiz!
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: to come over, to make something from scratch, to break the ice, to go above and beyond, and thanks for having me. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast, some icebreaker suggestions, vocabulary words to look up and a quiz!
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: it's not around the corner, to be at a crossroads, to take one step at a time, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, and to come a long way. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast, vocabulary words to look up and a quiz!
This two-page PDF features the full transcript to this podcast episode plus extra examples of the expressions you learned: it was love at first sight, to be made for each other, to get along, to get dumped, and the one who got away. Also contains a bonus expression not mentioned in the podcast, vocabulary words to look up, and a quiz!